Tuesday, 25 September 2007

I Love Fruit

I do.

I love fresh pineapple, melon; especially honedew melon, fresh figs, plums, grapes; especially black ones, and apples; russets are my favourites at the moment.

That's all I want to say today!

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Looking Back

I had quite a tough day at work today, getting used to teaching a new year group, and trying to get (some) of my class to knuckle down to some work. I had to get quite tough with one or two of them, (which I really hate doing, as they are sweeties really!) So I kept them in at playtime, which was a real shock, I don’t think they thought I’d really do it! By the end of the day (desperate for the loo, and no-one to call on to relieve me!) I had really had enough. I was thinking as I went home, that formerly I would have bought chocolate or sweets at the garage on my way home. I wasn’t tempted at all though, as it comes naturally (most of the time!) to ‘tune in’, and think about what I really want, and what would comfort me. I just decided that I wanted a drink, (nice cup of tea when I got home), a tasty dinner ( salmon stir fry made by o/h) and a relaxing evening with no school work! Well I got the first two, but the last is unlikely! It is reassuring to look back on what I used to be like, and think how far I have come down this road. And it’s Friday tomorrow!

Monday, 10 September 2007


Isn't it always the way, when you feel things are going smoothly, things start to go wrong?

I was beginning to think I had settled back into my routine, when I think I took my eye off the ball! It was the weekend, and I had a couple of meals out, which was fine. Then I was on my own on Sunday doing my weeks planning (which took over 3 and a half hours; and that wasn't all of it!) when I couldn't stop eating a loaf of white bread which I had bought that day before. Then today at work I started eating digestive biscuits which were on the staffroom table. I had just had my lunch, I wasn't hungry, and I ended up with horrendous indigestion!

I think, I was so complacent becaus things were going so well, that I just forgot to tune in and ask myself what it was that I really wanted. A lot of the time, its just a bit of space, or a bit of time to myself. That eating is just a way of prolonging something pleasurable. I forgot to pause and ask myself if I was really hungry.

Oh well, back to the drawing board!

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Back to Earth...

... with a bump!

And back to work. I spent most of last week getting my clasroom ready, and we were back with 2 Inset days, and then the children were in for the first time today. The 2 Inset days (In Service Educational Training) were exhausting, and it was nice to have the children in for a rest! Eating wise I am back into my IE routine, and its been very easy, and quite a relief to get back to it properly. I am nearer to the staff room this year, and this makes it easier at break times, also I can eat my breakfast just before the children come in, if I want to.

My digestion seems to have settled down too, which is a bonus. One of our members of staff has just succesfully lost over 4 stone using a system of meal replacements. She looks an awful lot better for it, and as she is not a 'serial dieter' like I am, it should work o.k. for her. I did catch myself thinking 'Hmmm, could I do that? But I know I couldn't, and the thought was only there for a moment. I would much rather try to conquer my dieting and weight demons the kind 'Beyond Chocolate' way!