Monday 19 November 2007

Coming Together

I still feel as if things are really coming together. I have solved my 'breakfast dillemma'' too. It sounds pathetic, but I was having a real struggle about what to do about breakfast during the week. It takes me about 2 hours to work up to feeling hungry enough to eat breakfast, crazy I know, but I have a real disinclination to eat unless I really am hungry now. So I wasn't eating it and then feeling faint and hungry by the time the children came in at 9am. So now I am eating at around 8.30 in the staffroom, having cereal or yoghurt and muesli, and this keeps me going brilliantly until lunchtime; about 12.45 for me, by the time I have prepped my afternoon lessons. I can't really understand why it has taken me this long to work out a system!

I am still having problems with asking for what I want at times. If my o/h is preparing dinner I find it so hard to say; noI don't want such and such, I would rather have ......
But I'm aware of this, and I'm working on it!


Andrea Wren said...

As longs as you carry on treating your journey as one big delicious experiment, it will continue to come together more and more! Have fun! xx

Alice said...

It doesn't sound pathetic, well done!