Tuesday, 27 November 2007

The Common Cold.

How this ailment can be known as 'common' beats me! I have been feeling uncommonly ill over the last week really, finally given in to it today and stayed off work. I have a really stuffed up head and nose, can't breathe, and am constantly sneezing. The guilt that goes with taking time off work when a teacher is phenomenal. Everyone drags themselves in even when they should be at home, and thus the cold germs constantly circulate. But no-one says 'Oh I can see you are really ill, but thanks for the effort.' So today I decided after another sleepless night, that I had had enough, and that i would stay at home and take care of myself a bit. (Being my own guru, if you like!) Surprisingly, I have kept to only eating when I am hungry. I'ts surprising because formally, illness would have been a good excuse for a binge. But as I don't really do that anymore, i have had a fairly 'normal' days eating. In fact I haven't eaten a lot, not really that hungry.

Oh, and I have lost more weight! About half a stone now.


Nicola said...

I've had a cold too, and I think it cleared up for two days and now it's come back again. Blooming things. Last year I had a cough so bad that I cracked two ribs! Scary or what?

Well done you on the IE front though, you sound like you're doing fabulously! I still daren't weigh myself, even the looser jeans seems to setting off some of those old diety thoughts. Old habits die hard eh!

Sunita said...

Hey Alison,

I hope you recover soon. I can completely understand how you must feel taking time off work as I used to be a primary school teacher myself!

I think you are doing really well with IE and congratulations on losing the weight!

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