Sunday, 20 April 2008

Geneen or Gillian (Mckeith)? I know which I'd choose!

This Saturday I opened my post to find a copy of a Genneen Roth book that I ordered from the US. It's the very first one she wrote, along with some of the members of her workshops, and it is really worth a read.

The reason I like is that we all have different reasons for bingeing, or over eating, whatever you want to call it, and not every person's story 'chimes'. But some do, and this really makes you think. I am a great believer in the sub-concious mind's ability to 'mull over' things, and I often do this with my lesson prep for school. I'll start thinking about a topic for a lesson and then leave it to 'ferment' for a couple of days. Suddenly a really good idea about the lesson will pop into my mind and off I go! What has this got to do with the book, well, I think if you read something and it chimes with your subconcious mind, then sooner or later you will be remimnded of some experience you had as a child, or some reason why you do something, that previously you struggled with.

I've struggled to think of reasons why I overate for so many years, and I think I pretty well have sorted most of it out, but there is still that 'feeling' that I get, that I really can't explain, and there are some experiences in that book that may help me to sort it out.

Also I think that bingeing is the same as putting your fingers in your ears and going 'la, la I'm not listening' to the whole world.

You just want it all to go away.