Sunday 6 April 2008

Random thoughts.

Is it me or is this the 'slow blogging' season? Everyone including myself, seems to be having a 'not much to say' time.

I suppose its the in between season time that we are in, the weather was almost springlike for a couple of days but now winter has descended again...

I am on holiday for two weeks so feeling remarkably unstressed and happy. Not that I don't like my job, but it can be very stressful at times and I do resent the amount of hours I have to put in with planning, marking and doing displays etc. So its nice to have a bit of respite.
I have a busy week to look forward to; I am going to a meeting about my daughters future planning on Monday, hairdressers and date in London with BC forum girlies Tuesday, out with Mum and Dad Wednesday, theatre trip with daughter for her birthday Thursday; going to see 'Hairspray' which is a great feel good show.
Then on Friday I am off for a weekend in Belfast with the charity that I am involved with, we run a conference for parents where they can meet experts and speak to them about the syndrome.

So a very busy time, and no worries about food/dieting for me.


Alice said...

Great to see you yesterday! I think you're right about the slow blogging season, I'm feeling disastrously uninspired, and I'm a writer!