Well half term week went very quickly! Normally I wouldn't mind going back, as I have a lovely class, but we are having a few issues at work at the moment to do with staffing, and things are gettting a bit emotional. I love my collegues (well most of them!) and so this is a tough time. So I am aware that my old comforter; food, is the thing I am tempted to turn to. So long as I know what is going on though, I can cope. I am pleased with the steps that I am doing, most days I have done over 10,000. It's surprising how many steps i can manage to do in my normal daily work, and then just a short walk before it gets dark tops it up to the 10,000.
The chocolate craving seems to be settling down, although I am still enjoying my hot chocolate drinks! I'm sure it's the cold weather we are having that is doing it!
I went to the Beyond Chocolate Drop In last week. A nice crowd of ladies there, and it was lovely to see Sophie again and have a chat, and to meet Clare for the first time.
I said to Sophie, it's like a Slimming Club without the horrible bit; getting weighed! I like the way Sophie structures the 'talk' section of the drop in, in pairs, you talk for 3m then swap, then have 1m chat. It's good, because it stops the 'clique' tendency that can happen in these sort of
meetings, where people who know each other, or have met before, can pal up, and exclude other people.
I wish I could have a week off!!! My work is stressful to at the moment, I feel your pain, and I'm eating chocolate biscuits like they're a dying breed.
Well done with the walking
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