Thursday, 29 March 2007

The Vitality Show /'moving'

I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks. I'm going to the Vitality show at the weekend and I'm hoping to meet some BC buddies there. Also get some advice on clothes, exercise etc and generally have a fun time.

I also have had some difficulties with ummm... whisper it (constipation) recently. I've had to make the effort to eat breakfast, which I don't always feel hungry for, and to eat things that will, in a word; get me moving!

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

I HAVE Lost Weight!!

I felt like weighing myself for some reason this morning and have discovered that I have lost weight! It's about half a stone or slightly more since I stared BC. I am very pleased about this as this is the first time in my whole life that I have ever lost weight without dieting (and every time I did I put it back on anyway!) I am determined not to focus too much on what I have or haven't done to achieve this as I have heard that this can have a negative effect. But I will continue to be 'present' when I am eating, to eat what I want, and to stop when I am satisfied. I think the 'satisfied' signal is getting much easier to pick up for me, it is a very definite physical sensation for me now.

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Hah! At last I am moving!!!

Well finally after a few fits and starts, I have started some exercise!! I have been really resistant to this since I started this journey, but finally as the weather has improved recently I have got up, dressed, and put my i-pod in , and done my favourite sort of exercise which is to walk! I learned to walk for fitness a couple of years ago using a book called; Aerobic Walking by a guy called Mort Malkin. He teaches a specific style of power walking, and its something I can just pick up again whenever I want to... So I'm feeling pretty good about that. I hate gyms, exercise classes etc, since I knackered my knees doing step aerobics in the 90s!

I have been thinking a lot recently about being slim, and how scary i found it, so watch for the next entry...

Wednesday, 21 March 2007


I think I have settled down again since the nurse weighed me last week. I feel back to my old equilibrium, focusing on what i want to eat, and how hungry I am. If only the weather would warm up again, so I could feel more like getting out to walk. The Easter holidays are just over a week away, so I am looking forward to that.

Monday, 19 March 2007

How am I getting on?

Quite a lot has happened since I last posted. I have been weighed, as i went for a health check. I have very mixed feelings about this because I have been purposefully not weighing myself since last year. My weight is heavier than i would like, but more or less what I expected. But somehow knowing what I way has made me start to attack myself, and doubt what I am doing. I have been tempted to binge this evening, which I haven't been for some time. But I have at least gained enough insight to know what is happening and deal with my feelings without using food.

Writing this has helped too.

Saturday, 3 March 2007

A tiring week at work, we have had an open evening, where we are at school from 8 am till 7.30 pm. We have a sort of buffet for when we have a break, which normally consisit of quite stodgey stuff like quiche, sausage rolls, bread etc. I decided to have it if I was hungry, which I was when I had a break around 6. I didn't overeat, and quite enjoyed it. I didn't eat later, which was good for me, as I normally get home very tired, and eat to stave off the tiredness. I didn't eat again as I wasn't hungry, decided I was tired and went straight to bed.

Since then I have had an ok week, I've been eating quite a lot of stodgy stuff since that buffet, more because I couldn't think what I wanted to eat really. It's lunches at work which I need to address, as I really can't think sometimes what I am going to want to eat later in the day. Friday was better, i took a salmon salad which i really enjoyed. But I don't always fancy salad especially when it is cold!